Self-correction is more necessary in the case of a ‘daa-ee’ than in the case of any one else. He should lead a good life and prove to be a ‘daa-ee’ in the true sense of the word. For when he invites people to his faith, his followers will look upto him as the best model. If they find good or bad things in him, they will attribute them to the teachings of the Imams and their faith
Just as the contents of the preceding chapter are applicable to the ‘momins’ in general the contents of this chapter also are equally applicable to them. Imam Jafar Sadiq says to all his non- daa-ee ‘Sheas”; “Be our silent daa-ees.” He made his remarks clear by pointing out to them that if they lived a straight life they would attract the people to their faith and thus they would prove to be the ‘daa-ces’ not by means of their tongue but by means of their good deeds.
In this sense every ‘momin’ who lives an exem- plary life proves to be a ‘daa-ce’ to the Imam. We should bear in mind that our straight life is prescribed by the rules and regulations laid down by the Imam for our guidance. We should always be within our limits. To go beyond our limits is as bad as to fall short of our duties.
In case of the ‘daa-ee’ his first and foremost duty is to live in strict adherence to the principles laid down by his faith. He should be pious to the extreme and he should carry on the propa- ganda with skill and prudence. God says to His Prophet “Invite the people to the path of your Lord by using your descretion and preaching to them in the best possible manner’.” Not unlike the Prophet, the ‘daa-ee’ is expected to be very discrete in his propaganda. He should maintain contact with the people and he should know all those whom he intends to preach from man to man. He should study their minds and sort them out according to their intelligence. He should deal with them in dividually and preach to every one of them according to his intelligence and his power of assimilation. He should know how to approach him and how to infuse his ideas into his mind. This is the best course for the ‘daa-ce’ to adopt. We know many ‘daa-ees who have ruined their cause because of their ignorance of the proper methods of propaganda. In short, not only the ‘daa-ee’ should should be be well-versed in the art of propaganda but he should also try to be as useful to them as he possibly can. The good of his followers should be the main concern of his life.
May God guide us to the right path